Hove’s Family-Owned Post Office Celebrates 50 years of Service

A family-owned post office in Hove is marking a significant milestone – 50 years of serving the local community.

When Narotam Patel and his wife Rama first opened the doors of their Portland Road Post Office in 1974, they dealt with National Insurance stamps, pensions, child benefit books, green giros, and telegrams. Fast forward to today, their son Amit Patel now runs the post office, where traditional services coexist with digital transactions and tablets.

Despite the technological advancements, one thing remains unchanged over the past five decades – the family’s unwavering dedication to the local community. The post office, also known as W H Payne, continues to offer essential services under one roof and maintains the cherished face-to-face interactions.

To commemorate the golden anniversary, Amit and his family will host a community gathering at the branch this Saturday.

Amit Patel said: “This post office has been run by three generations of our family. When my parents first started the business in 1974, our entire family pitched in. I also spent time in the branch after school, helping my parents run the business.”

In 2012, when Narotam was ready to retire, Amit took over the family business with his wife Nadya.

Amit said: “Our family has been privileged to serve our neighbours and businesses for three generations. The Post Office is part of my DNA. I grew up in the branch and watched my family take pride in supporting the local community.”

Amit fondly recalls his memories from the Post Office, from foreign students buying stationery to the shop bustling with activity around bonfire night and Christmas. He also reminisced about the shop and storage rooms serving as a playground for him, his siblings, and cousins.

Amit added: “I am proud to work alongside my family and a team that shares our vision and values, ensuring that the branch remains a trusted and reliable resource for the community. We look forward to continuing this for another 50 years.”

The golden anniversary celebration, complete with food and drinks, will be held this Saturday, March 30 from 2pm, providing an opportunity for the local community to join in the festivities and honour the family’s long-standing service.


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