Brighton and Hove Buses Unveil Learning Disabilities Mock Bus

Image credit: Brighton and Hove Buses

In a commendable move, Brighton and Hove Buses have introduced a mock bus designed to help individuals with learning disabilities feel more at ease while travelling around the city. This innovative initiative is part of a new community space located at the Brighton and Hove Buses travel shop on North Street.

The mock bus, constructed from reclaimed wood by the Wood Recycling Project, features a ticket reader and seats, mirroring the real-life bus experience. This hands-on approach aims to build confidence and familiarity for those who may find public transport daunting.

Adding to the immersive experience, the walls of the new centre are adorned with a “living” map of Brighton and Hove. This captivating piece of art, designed by local talents Helen Cann and Thomas Buckley, projects representative images of the city onto a map. Cann, an award-winning illustrator, describes the map as a “joyful ode to the city and the bus service.”

The model bus, complete with the new livery, will be used in collaboration with community groups to further develop travel confidence. One such group is Grace Eyre, a Hove charity dedicated to supporting people with learning disabilities. Claire Hudson, the travel training lead at Grace Eyre, expressed her excitement about using this new space to teach community members with additional needs how to travel confidently and safely, thereby improving their life experience and independence.

Ed Wills, managing director at Brighton and Hove Buses, expressed immense pride in the initiative, highlighting the importance of their work with the community. He expressed his excitement about creating more spaces where this crucial work can continue.

The new community space, located at 27 North Street, opposite the Post and Telegraph Wetherspoons, is a testament to the power of community collaboration and innovative thinking, making Brighton and Hove a more inclusive city for all.


 Image credit: Brighton and Hove Buses



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